
Privacy policy

<Protection policy concerning handling of personal information
and specific personal information>

Character Institute Co.,Ltd. has implemented the following initiatives for the purpose of protecting personal information:

1. Character Institute Co.,Ltd. will comply with relevant laws and other norms regarding the handling of customer's personal information.

2. Character Institute Co.,Ltd. will obtain the customer's personal information by lawful and fair means and not by illicit method, and notify the customer of and publicize the purpose of use. In addition, when it becomes necessary to use the personal information beyond the scope of the purpose, we will inform you of the new purpose of use and will use it after having received your consent.

3. Character Institute Co.,Ltd. takes appropriate measures to prevent illegal access, loss, destruction, tampering, leakage, etc. of your personal information.

4. When Character Institute Co.,Ltd. entrusts the processing of personal information to any other outside entity, it will conclude necessary contract and perform appropriate supervision.

5. When the customer himself/herself who is the subject of personal information requests to disclose, correct, suspend to use of, delete, etc. his/her own personal information, Character Institute Co.,Ltd. will take appropriate measures after having confirmed that he/she is the principal.

6. Character Institute Co.,Ltd. will not disclose to any third party the personal information (excluding the specific personal information under the Act on Use, etc. in Administrative Procedures of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals (“My Number Act”)) except for the following cases:

(1) Agreed by the customer himself/herself,
(2) Pursuant to the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information“,
(3) Disclosed in the state where the customer can not be identified (statistical data etc.), or
(4) Ordered by judicial or administrative agencies, etc. to disclose or submit the information pursuant to the laws and regulations.

7. Character Institute Co.,Ltd. will continuously review and improve the efforts to protect the personal information.

8. Handling of specific personal information Character Institute Co.,Ltd. will comply with My Number Act and other relevant laws and other norms regarding the handling of specific personal information and individual number (“Specific Personal Information, etc.”). Furthermore, we will manage the safety control measures for the Specific Personal Information, etc. by separately establishing handling rules.

Hiroshi Kuroki, Representative Director

- Use of Cookie
We may use cookie for the purpose of improving the service to our customers on the web site operated by Character Institute Co.,Ltd., which will not infringe the privacy of the customers. On the web sites using cookie, we will explicitly indicate its purpose of use in advance. Depending on your browser, you can change the setting and disable the cookie function, but as a result, all or some of the services on the web page may be unavailable.

- Links to other web sites
We will not be responsible for your personal information on third party websites linked to the web site operated by Character Institute Co.,Ltd.。

- Provision of personal information by minors as customers
If personal information from a minor is required, we may obtain the consent of his/her parents, if necessary.

- Inquiries about personal information
For inquiries concerning your personal information, please contact the following:

Contact for Personal Information, CHARACTER RESEARCH INSTITUTE CO.,LTD.
Phone Number: 03-3373-7830
Reception Hours: From 10 AM to 4 PM
Monday through Friday (except public holidays)

- Request for disclosure of personal information
If you would like to request disclosure etc. (disclosure, notice of use purpose, correction, suspension of use, deletion), please fill out the “Personal Information Disclosure Request Form”, and send it to the address indicated below by mail with a copy of either of driver's license, passport and health insurance card (eliminating the portion of domicile of origin and medical records etc., if they are indicated therein) enclosed.
In addition, if the request is made by a legal representative or an agent, please enclose the necessary documents stated in the “Personal Information Disclosure Request Form” (please make a copy eliminating the portion of domicile of origin and medical records etc., if they are indicated therein).

→ Personal Information Disclosure Request Form (PDF)

<Handling Charge>
We will charge a separate fee for disclosing the personal information to a customer and notice of purpose of use.
We will not charge any fee for requests of correction, suspension of use, and deletion.
Fee Amount : 800 yen per request
Payment Method : Please send a postal money order with fixed amount (issued by post office window) together with the “Personal Information Disclosure Request Form”.

Contact Point for Personal Information, CHARACTER RESEARCH INSTITUTE CO.,LTD.
1-58-5-4,yoyogi,shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0002

Depending on a web site, you can make inquiries to a dedicated support desk, or may directly inquire or modify the data registered by the customer on the web site.
Please be aware that there may be cases where it is not possible to respond properly if there is insufficient or incorrect description of the contents in the Personal Information Disclosure Request Form.
Personal information provided by the customer through the Personal Information Disclosure Request Form will be used for the purpose of appropriately responding to the requests for disclosure etc. from the customer and will be strictly kept for a certain period of time.
Please note that we will not return the request form and attachments thereto if we are unable to complete identity verification successfully.

End of Body Text

Posting started from April 1, 2005.
Revised on December 1, 2016